Friday, December 20, 2013

Basic meditation instructions

A lot of people hold the mistaken belief that meditation is complicated. In fact, it is quite the opposite since it is a perfectly natural act. This is how you meditate:
Find a quiet place and sit comfortably in a chair with your back relatively straight so that you do not fall asleep. Breathe in and out through your nose but only if this is comfortable. If it is uncomfortable then breathe through your mouth. When breathing in, think, "in." When you exhale, think, "out." If you prefer you can use a special word that has deep personal meaning to you instead such as "God", "love", "peace", "joy", etc. Another alternative is to count your breaths with your first inhale being "one", your first exhale being "two", your second inhale being "three", your second exhale being "four" and so on up to "ten" after which you start again at "one." Any time you realize that your attention has wandered, gently but firmly return to "in" and "out" or your special word. If you are counting your breaths, begin over again from "one" every time you realize that your attention has wandered. Use your chosen form of meditation for at least five minutes a day.
Any questions?

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